The Mist Stone at Nab Hill Oxenhope

Who does it mourn? What does it mean, such
nearness, gathering here on high ground
while your back was turned, drawing its
net curtains around? Featureless silver screen, mist
is water in its ghost state, all inwardness,
holding its milky breath, veiling the pulsing machines
of great cities under your feet, walling you
into these moments, into this anti-garden
of gritstone and peat. Given time the edge of
your being will seep into its fibreless fur;
You are lost, adrift in hung water
and blurred air, but you are here.
Simon Armitage at Oxenhope
Ilkley Literature Festival held an event at Nab Hill
on Satuday evening 19th May when Simon read all the poems from "In memory of Water"
To see a video of him reading the Beck Stone poem click the link below.
Simon Armitage at Oxenhope
Download the Short Walk to the Mist Stone